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Born in Athens. Lives and works in Berlin and Athens.
Co-founder of the Athens art and video platform intothepill (2006-2010) and the Berlin

based art group mokotomoro in 2012.



1989-1993, BA, Graphic design, University of West Attica, Department of Graphic Arts and Creative Studies, Athens.

1994-1999, MA Fine Arts, Athens School of Fine Arts.
1996-1998, Alkminis acting school, Athens.

1998, Sculpture and Multimedia, School of Fine Arts, The Hague/ Netherland.


2024, Art Athina, Art fair with Athanasiadou gallery, Zappion Mansion, Athens.

2024, Cinefix, Feminist classics: Video Art from the EMST collection, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens.

2024, AutoKino Extented, Autoteile project space, Berlin.

2024, Group show, Athannasiadou gallery, Thessaloniki.

2024, As long as I remember, as fast as I remember, as strong as I remember,
curated by Ferdinand Waas, K4 gallery, Oslo.

2023, Nova Bienal Rio of art and technology, Museum of Tomorrow, Rio de Janeiro.

2023, J.I. , screening / talk, HilbertRaum project space, Berlin.

2023, Free associations, Poly and Christos Kollialis collection, curated by Machi

Pesmatzoglou, Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki.
2023, All together I, Zina Athanasiadou Gallery, Thessaloniki.


2022, File festival: Supercreativity, Avant digital art section, Sao Paolo.
2022, J.I. film screening, Center of contemporary art (CCA), Glasgow.
2022, Flip flops et cetera, Athanasiadou Gallery, Paros/GR.
2022, Platforms project, with in vivo art group, Nikos Kessanlis Hall of
Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens.
2022, 25th Gabrovo Biennial, “ Economy of means”, Museum of Humor and Satire, Gabrovo/BG.
2022, Weaving Worlds, curated by Daphne Dragona, Derée American College of Greece, Athens.


2021, Lost season, Zina Athanasiadou Gallery, curated by Marina Athanasiadou,
Thessaloniki. [solo]

2021, Re-Generation, 6th annual Supernova digital animation festival, Denver.
2021, Urban Mythologies, curated by Artemis Potamianou, Bia Papadopoulou,
Archaeological Site of Kerameikos, Athens.
2021, Show Time, curated by Marina Athanasiadou, Athanasiadou Gallery, Paros / GR.
2021, We talk about art, Zina Athanasiadou Gallery, Thessaloniki. 
2021, Platforms project net, independent art fair, with in vivo, Athens.


2020, Reprogramming Earth, curated by Daphne Dragona, Neme Arts, Limassol / CY.
2020, Zina Athanassiadou gallery at Art Athina Art fair.
2020, crypto_manifold, Chronus Art Center, Shanghai, curated by BI Xin, CAO Jiamin.
2020, BIM, Biennial of the Moving Image, Buenos Aires.


2019, Iasis, Tilt platform, curated by Makis Faros, Zoi Pirini, Foteini Vergidou, Takis Zervedas, Beau Rivage, Loutraki / GR.

2019, Tomorrows, Fictions spéculatives pour l’avenir méditerranéen, le lieu unique, Nantes/FR.

2019, Marieless in art, Panorama hotel, Halkidiki / GR.


2018, “Back to basics: Space”, curated by Artemis Potamianou, Enia Gallery, Athens.

2018, “Ärmel aufkrempeln – zupacken – aufbauen”, Spor Klubu project space, Berlin.

2018, Solid State Cinema 9. The futurological Congress, The Old Hairdressers, Renfield Lane, Glasgow.

2018, Regimes of Prediction, curated by Sabine Winkler, Weißer Elefant Gallery, Berlin.
2018, The element of change, Berliner Wohnplattform e.K., part of the Ortstermin 18 art festival, Berlin.
2018, The New World Order curated by Ruth Catlow and Marc Garrett, Fillodramatica Gallery, Drugo More, Rijeka / CRO.

2018, The New World Order curated by Ruth Catlow and Marc Garrett, Aksioma Project Space, Ljubljana / SLO.

2018, New Acquisitions (2014-17), EMST, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens.

2017, “2 decades +”, Spyropoulos Awards, curated by Olga Daniylopoulou, Vorres Museum, Athens.

2017, “Tilt platform”, Nameless, curated by Makis Faros, Takis Zerdevas, Katerina Gkoutziouli, in beau rivage exhibition space, Loutraki / GR.

2017, Art Athina with Zina Athanasiadou Gallery, Athens.

2017, New world order, Furtherfield Gallery, London.

2017, Tomorrows, curated by Daphne Dragona and Panos Dragonas, Diplarios school, by Onassis cultural center, Athens.

2017, Suicide blonde, curated by Athina Stamati, Eleftheria Stamati, Association Franco/ Hellenic, Athens.

2017, The Greek counter example, curated by Thanassis Moutsopoulos, at former Diplarios School, Athens.


2016, Sunset in Athens part 3, Vamialis’ Gallery, Athens.

2016, TWISTING C(R)ASH, curated by Madeleine Amsler, Séverin Guelpa, Vana Kostayola at Romantzo, Athens.

2016, 33 years Zina Athanasiadou Gallery, Thessaloniki.

2016, Fluxus Olympiad, curated by VYCA, SNFC, Athens.

2016, Fireflies in the Night Take Wing, SNFC, Athens.

2016, As Rights Go By, curated by Sabine Winkler, Museumsquartier, Vienna.


2015, Videozoom: Greece, On Πause, curated by Maria Dialektaki, Maria Papaioannou
 c|e contemporary, Milan / Muspac , L’Aquila/ITA / State of Concept, Athens.

2015, TWISTING C(R)ASH, Curated by Madeleine Amsler, Séverin Guelpa, Vana Kostayola, Kostis Stafylakis, Bâtiment d’Art Contemporain «Le Commun», Geneva.

2015, Screening and installation with Medienwerkstatt, art fair Berliner Liste, Berlin.

2015, “It’s Money Jim, but not as we know it”, curated by Katerina Gregos, Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art Vienna, (Curated by Vienna / Tomorrow Today).

2015, Rizoma, curated by Richard Schütz and Martin Juef, Museu do Estado do Pará, Belém/BRA.

2015, “SANS SERIF 2. Emerging Media art of artists from Berlin and others international”, curated by frency, Andrea Sunder-Plassmann, Ley MA, Carmelo González Gallery, XII Bienal de La Habana / CU.

2015, “The Journey: 5 different viewpoints”, curator Artemis Potamianou, Athens international airport in collaboration with Art Athina, Athens.

2015, Public domain, Lo and behold, Platform projects at Art-Athina, Athens.

2015, Refuge project I & II, Artispirators, Platform projects at Art-Athina, Athens.

2015, Zina Athanassiadou Gallery at Art-Athina, Athens.


2014, Information-Narration, Zina Athanasiadou Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece. [solo]

2014, (Un)heimliche Monster, EX-LG Security, 48h Neukölln, Berlin, Germany. [solo]

2014, Medienwerkstatt Berlin, Screening Cinema Central, Berlin.

2014, Biennial of the moving image, Buenos Aires.
2014, Videozoom Greece: On Πause!, curated by Maria Papaioannou and Maria Dialektaki, Museum of Rome in Travestere and Sala 1, Rome.
2014, Locked in, curated by Elefheria Stamati and Ioanna Myrka, Beton 7, Athens.

2014, Exploit!, Nieuwe Vide Artspace, curated by Nathalie Hartjes, Haarlem / NL.

2014, The other where, Artists’ visions of the far, curated by Ioannis Savvidis, Nelja Stump and Lina Theodorou, OFF Raum, Vienna.
2014 ,Public Domain, curated by Artemis Potamianou and Giorgos Papadatos, (Lo and Behold), Milkshake agency, Genève.

2014, The rule of low and the right to be human, curators Thalia Vrachopoulos and Bill Pangburn, organized by John Jay College of Criminal Justice - City of New York University, Nikos Kessanlis Hall at Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens.

2014, Paper Faces – Remake Yourself, parallel program of Art-Athina, curated by Vyca, Athens.

2014, No Country For Young Men, contemporary Greek art in times of crisis, curator Katerina Gregos, Bozar, Centre for fine arts, Brussels.


2013, Home/s an exhibition of ArtUP! Media Art in Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey, curated by Daphne Dragona, Katerina Gkoutziouli, Goethe-Institut Athen in collaboration with the Benaki Museum, Athens.

2013, Value Workshop/AB4, coordination Elpida Rikou, 4th Athens Biennale: Agora,

former Athens Stock Exchange Market, Athens.

2013, Smile at the Strange, Vyca house, Athens.

2013, Kawaii, curated by Michael Parlamas, Olympia Toptsidou, Camp/Contemporay art meeting point, Athens.

2013, Larroque Art Festival 2013, artistic director Kenneth Hay,”Galerie La Vieille Poste”, Larroque / FR.

2013, Refuge project, curated by Maria Andromachi Chatzinikolaou, Nikos Podias, Milos / GR.
2013, Happy new bonds #1, STUDIOvisits, Platform projects at Art-Athina, Athens.

2013, Paradise lost, Contemporaries curated by Artemis Potamianou at Art-Athina, Athens.

2013, Ur, curated by Ian Joyce, Archie Galenz, InteriorsDasein Art Space, Berlin.


2012, Visual dialogues 2012, Park of Plato’s Academy, curated by Marilena Karra, commission by Alexander S. Onassis Foundation Cultural Center, part of the major project called “Academy of Plato – the City and the Citizen” Action, Athens.

2012, Cocaine blows my brain, Sport klubu project space, Berlin.

2012, “Samkura: a Journey”, curator Maria Tsatsanoglou, State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki.

2012, Parabola shortfilm festival, curated by Artemis Potamianou, Culture Center Tensta Träff, Stockholm.

2012, Holidays in Greece, curated by Vassileia Stylianidou, Studio visits, Berlin.

2012, Nomadics, Tristesse Deluxe at Supermarkt Art Space, Berlin.

2012, Logotherapy, Dezzar/Prototypes, Athens.


2011, Pause/Play, curated by Evangelia Ledaki, Ifigenia Papamikroulea, Christina Dilari and Irini Bachlitzanaki, TAF, the art foundation, Athens.

2011, 1st Festival Κ.Ι.Μ.Ο.L.I.A. Street art, Curated by Vyca, Athens.

2011, Books unfolded, curated by Vassiliea Stylianidou, studio visits, Berlin.

2011, Modern greek woman, curated by Marina Fokidis, The Hub, Athens.


2010, The Elephant Girl, AAA – Athanasiadou Art Advice, Athens. [solo]

2010, The way the Morning Broke was Quite Unusual, Annie Wharton Gallery, Los Angeles.

2010, Precious, Curator Annie Wharton, Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts, Miami.

2010, Impakt festival, Matrix city, Utrecht, Holland.

2010, SYMPTΩMATIC GREECE: art and politics after crisis
curated by Sotirios Bahtsetzis, Vassiljev’s Theatre, Moscow. Within the scope of “Second Moscow Dictionary of War”.

2010, Illustration lifo magazine, curated by Marina Fokidis, Lifo team, Benaki Museum, Athens.

2010, Kunsthalle Athina, curated by Marina Fokidis, Sotirios Bahtstezis, Athens.

2010, Zina Athanassiadou Gallery at Art Athina, Athens.

2010, 3rd international literary festival, Dasein, organized by Christos Chrisopoulos and Literature Across Frontiers, Athens.

2010, Mixed & Mastered, Greek video art from the 00’s, Centre for visual introspection, Bucharest.

2010, Berlin-Athina, Caid, curated by Theofanis Konstantinou, Katrin Sauerlaender, Athens.

2010, EMAF, European media art festival, Osnabrüc / GER.
2010, S.L.A.F.I.P.E.#1- Art video screening at Babylon Cinema presented by Spor Klubu Project Space, Berlin.

2010, intothepill vol.01- Greek Contemporary Video Art, Uqbar Project Space, Berlin.

2010, intothepill screening/ Three days with six dogs: Joseph Beuys Sucks!, Six D.O.G.S Art Space, Athens.


2009, “Ιn dire(ct) democracy”, curated by Geli Grindaki, Margarita Kataga, Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens.

2009, Midsummer night’ s dream, Open air screening room, RemapKM, Athens.

2009, Expanded ecologies. Perspectives in a time of emergency, curator, Dafni Vitali, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens.

2009, Synch festival, Technopolis, Athens.
2009, Zina Athanasiadou gallery at Art Athina, Athens.

2009, Artists for Athens Pride I, The Breeder, Athens.


2008, Visual arts in Greece 3, And now?, curated by Christina Petrinou, State Museum of Contemporary Art (at Moni Lazariston), Thessaloniki.

2008, Athens by sound, Greek pavilion, 11th International Architecture Biennial, Venice
2008, Women Only, Women artists from the Beltsios Collection, curated by Sotirios Bahtstezis, Margaris Foundation, Amfilochia/GR.
2008, Aris Stoidis Art Collection,Vilka, Thessaloniki.

2008, People, Amfilochia Film Festival, curated by Marina Athanasiadou and Margarita Kataga, GR.
2008, Festival Miden, Video Art Festival Kalamata / GR.

2008, Transexperiences Greece, curated by Anna Kafetsi, 798 Artspace, Bejing.

2008, 20th century on video, Trianon cinema, Athens..


2007, Peacemakers, Zina Athanassiadou Gallery, Thessaloniki. [solo]

2007, Loan, Zlatno Oko gallery, Balkan Art, Novi Sad / SRB. [solo]

2007, In present tense. Tendencies and Directions of Young Greek Artists, EMST, Athens.

2007, Karaoke poetry bar by, ‘417’ project space, Parallel project of the 1st Athens Biennial Destroy Athens.

2007, Strange screen 6, Video Festival, Thessaloniki Cinema Museum.

2007, The historicity of image and the time, Pazar Hamam, Thessaloniki.
2007, Istanbul international architecture and urban film festival, Goethe Institut, Istanbul.

2007, at her(his)tory, Museum of Cycladic Art, Athens.
2007, Her(his)tory, curated by Marina Fokidis, Museum of Cycladic Art, Athens.

2007, Art-Athina/ basic plan, Zina Athanasiadou Gallery, Helexpo, Athens

2007, Art-Athina/ parallel plan: “People” curators Marina Athanasiadou, Margarita Kataga, Helexpo, Athens

2007, 53rd International Short Film Festival Oberhausen / GER
2007, Post Photography: the trajectory of the object 2, Horrach Moya Gallery, Palma de Mallorca / ESP


2006, WO[+]MAN, 5th Human rights arts festival, Athens

2006, UNITED BAC! 06, International Festival of Contemporary Art, curator of the video section: Anthropocentrisms, Anna PrintezI, Barcelona.
2006, Strange screen 5, Video Festival, Film Museum Thessaloniki.
2006, The Grand Promenade, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens.

2006, ART FAB, Women of Europe, Saint-Tropez / FR.

2006, An outing: Contemporary art in Greece in the 21th century, Beltsios collection, Milos Matsopoulou Cultural Centre, Trikala / GR.
2006, Flowers in contemporary art, New Benaki Museum, Athens.

2006, Give(a)way, 6th Biennial exhibition of contemporary art, curator Katerina Gregos, Limerick / IRL.

2006, Common place 2: The return, ‘Epi Colono’ Cultural Centre, Athens

2006, Home sweet home, private house, Athens.

2006, The historicity of image and the time, Turkish Baths, Athens

2006, Into the pill, E31 gallery, Athens.


2005, Critique of pure image-Between fake and quotation, Center for Contemporary Art – PlovdivArt Today Lab, Plovdiv/BG.

2005, Capturing utopia, Fournos, center for digital culture, Athens.

2005, Girl Power 4 Men, Spillioti projects, Athens.

2005, “Other Voices, Other rooms”, curator Alessandro Riva, curator of the Greek participation: Dafni Vitali, “Le Ciminiere”, Catania / ITA.
2005, “The Gesture. A visual library in progress.”, curators Marina Fokidis, Daphne Vitali, Sergio Risaliti, Macedonian Museum Of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki Greece / Quarter, The New Center of Contemporary Art in Florence/ITA.

2005, Art Athina 05, Zina Athanasiadou Gallery, Helexpo, Athens.

2005, ”Dhen milao ellenika/Non parlo Italiano”, Shared Identities in contemporary art within two Mediterranean costs, Ex Convitto Palmieri, Lecce / ITA.


2004, Ileana Tounta Contemporary Art Center, Athens. [solo]

2004 ,Video Zone 2: The 2nd International Video Biennial, Tel Aviv.
2004 ,“Channel Zero”, curated by Katerina Gregos, Montevideo TBA, Amsterdam.
2004, “Monument to now”, the Dakis Ioannou Collection, curators Dan Cameron, Massimiliano Gioni, Nancy Spector, Alison M. Gingeras, Jeffrey Deitch, DESTE Foundation for Contemporary Art, Athens.
2004, Videokunst-Geist, Gemeinschaft und Tschai, Locus, Athens.

2004, “The other body”, 4th Human rights arts festival, Eugenides Foundation, Athens

2004, “Soul destinations”, Aegli, Zappeion, Athens.

2004, “Athens, Metropolis by accident?”, Bios, Athens / Giorgio De Chirico Foundation, Volos/GR

2004, Zina Athanasiadou Gallery at Art Athina, Athens.

2004, “Art now”, Zina Athanasiadou Gallery, Thessaloniki.

2004, ARCO 04, Madrid, Ileana Tounta Gallery, Athens.
2004, “Nine Muses I Presume?”, curated by Katerina Gregos, Sania Papa, Dennis Zaharopoulos, La Casa Encendida, Madrid.


2003, ´Spiritual & land”, Private house, Athens. [solo]

2003, ´Testimonies: Between Myth and Reality’, curator Anna Kafetsi, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens.

2003, “Brave new world”, Ileana Tounta Contemporary Art Center, Athens.

2003, “Poetic justice”, curated by Dan Cameron, 8th international Istanbul Biennial.

2003, ´In the gorges of the Balkan’, curated by Rene Block, Museum Fridericianum, Kassel / GER

2003, ´Blurring Boundaries’, Borusan Art Gallery, Istanbul.
2003, ´M-ARS. Art and War’, curated by Peter Weibel, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz / AUT.


2002, “Senses”, Technopolis, Athens
2002, Art Athina, Athens.

2002, ´Interfaces’, Delphi / GRE

2002, ´Fusion Cuisine’, Deste Foundation, Athens.

2002, ´Big Social Game’, International Biennial of Young Art, artistic director Michelangelo Pistoletto, Turin / ITA


2001, ´Hippodrome”, ´Epi Colono”ª Cultural Centre, Athens. [solo]

2001, Tirana Biennale. Curator of greek section: Marina Fokidis, Tirana.

2001, 24X24, EXEDRA, Center for Contemporary Art, Hilversum, / NED.


2000, ´Helping Dr. Boom”, Will Lutz Gallery, Delft / NED. [solo]

2000, Nobody called the cops, Permanent exhibition commissioned by Dakis Ioannou, curated by Katerina Gregos, Athens.
2000, ´Thrilos 2001′, Flourmills, Piraeus / GR.

2000, ´The artists of Spyropoulos museum”, Centre for Hellenic Union, Athens.


1999, 1 st DESTE price, «Metro», New trends in contemporary Greek Art, Curator Dan Cameron, Deste Foundation, Athens.

1999, Four Rooms, Kappatos Gallery, Athens.

Awards / Grants
, Honored mention, Re-Generation, 6th annual Supernova digital animation festival, Denver, for the animation J.I. in collaboration with John Butler.
2020, Stiftung Kunstfonds, work grant, Germany.

2010, Commendation from the aica Hellas (award 2010) for the installation de-inventor. (National Museum of contemporary art, Athens)

2000, Nominated for the 1st DESTE price, «Metro», New trends in contemporary Greek Art, Curator Dan Cameron, Deste Foundation, Athens.

1999, Jannis Spyropoulos Foundation award.

2023, Line Producer for the development of the project “' Are the birds happy?”

by Simon Lee, Volkmar Klien, Eve Sussman, Athens.
2020, ”Sudoku”, on line theatrical improvisation workshop with Eve Sussman.
2019, Second futurological workshop with John Butler, Berlin.

(Pre-production for the 3D animation J.I.)
2019, Marieless in art, Panorama hotel, Halkidiki, Greece.

2019, First futurological workshop with John Butler, Glasgow. (Pre-production for the 3D animation J.I.)
2018, Travel grant for project research with the support of Czech-German future fund.

2017-18, Art workshops (teaching) at the Berliner Wohnplattform e.K., Berlin in connection with the glass project / The element of change.

2015, Q21, Museumsquartier, Vienna.

2015, Embassy of foreign artists, Geneva, in conjunction with the Project “Twisting C(r)ash” in Bâtiment d’Art Contemporain , « Le Commun ».

2015, Project “Twisting C(r)ash”, workshop Athens – Geneva, Kappatos art residency, Athens.

2012, Samkura Residency artist exchange programme, supported by the EACEA creative Europe at Cló Ceardlann,Gortahork/IRL.

2009, Prespes VIsual march, conference:Global Landscapes,University municipality of Western Makedonia of Prespes department of visual and applied arts /GR.

2005, ”Dhen milao ellenika/Non parlo Italiano”, Shared Identities in contemporary art within two Mediterranean coasts, Ex Convitto Palmieri, Lecce/ITA

Selected bibliography (catalogues, books)

2023, Nova Bienal Rio of art and technology, Museum of Tomorrow, Rio de Janeiro.

2022, Weaving Worlds, Derée American College of Greece, Athens.

2022, Covart project, Copelouzos family art museum, Athens.

2022, File festival: Supercreativity, Sao Paolo.

2022, 25th Gabrovo Biennial, “ Economy of means”, Museum of Humour and Satire, Gabrovo.

2022, Platforms project, Nikos Kessanlis Hall, Athens school of fine arts, Athens.

2021, Urban Mythologies, Archaeological Site of Kerameikos, Athens, by Lab for arts.

2021, Flash art, winter issue 21/22, No 337, Crypto arts and new ecology.

2020, Nova Hellas, stories from future Greece, Future fiction, Luna press publishing.

( in English and Italian)

2020-21, FRMK, literary biannual magazine in print ( Athens), issue 16, Documentary poetry.

2018, Value, Edited by Elpida Rikou, Eleana Yalouri and Apostolos Lampropoulos, Nisos Editions.

2017, Artists Re:thinking the Blockchain, Edited by Ruth Catlow, Marc Garrett, Nathan Jones and Sam Skinner, Torque Editions and Furtherfield.

2017, α2525, Future stories from Athens, ΑΛΕΦ.

2016, Fireflies in the night take wing, SNFCC, Athens.

2016, As rights go by, Freiraum Q21, Museumsquartier Vienna.

2015, It is money Jim, but not as we know it, MAM, Vienna.

2015, Greece: Traces of Today – Imago Mundi, Luciano Benetton Collection.

2015, Public domain, Lo and behold, Athens.

2014, Videozoom Greece: On Πause!, Museum of Rome in Travestere and Sala 1, Rome, Italy.

2014, The rule of low and the right to be human, Nikos Kessanlis Hall, Athens school of fine arts, Athens.

2014, No country for young men, contemporary Greek art in times of crisis,Bozar, Centre for fine arts, Brussels.

2013, 35X35 Art project, Copelouzos family art museum.

2013, Kawaii, Camp/Contemporay art meeting point, Athens.

2013, Refuge project, Milos, Greece.

2013, Paradise lost, Contemporaries@Art-Athina, Athens.

2012, Archive public, Department of Architecture University of Patras, Cube editions.

2012, Samkura, a Journey, State Museum Of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki.

2011, Modern Greek Woman, BHMAdonna, Athens.

2010, Berlin-Athina, Caid, Athens.

2010, EMAF, European media art festival, Osnabrueck, Germany.

2009, “Ιn dire(ct) democracy”,ASKT, Athens.

2009, Expanded ecologies.Perspectives in a time of emergency, National museum of contemporary art, Athens.

2009, Intothepill, Volume 01, Greek contemporay video art.

2008, Visual arts in Greece 3, And now?,Moni Lazariston, State Museum Of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki.

2008, Athens by sound, Greek pavilion, 11th International Architecture Exhibition Venice Biennial.

2008, Women Only ,Women artists from the Beltsios Collection,Margaris Foundation, Amfilochia, Greece

2008, Transexperiences Greece, 798 Artspace, Bejing.

2007, Loan, Zlatno Oko Gallery, Balkan ART, Novi Sad.

2007, In present tense.Tendencies and Directions of Young Greek Artists, National museum of contemporary art, Athens.

2007, Karaoke poetry bar by, «417» projects space, parallel project of the 1st Athens Biennial: Destroy Athens.

2007, Her(his)tory, Museum of cycladic art Athens.

2007, 53th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Germany.

2006, The Grand Promenade , National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens.

2006, ART FAB, Women of Europe, Saint-Tropez, France.

2006, An outing: Contemporary art in Greece in the 21th century, Beltsios collection , Milos Matsopoulou cultural centre, Trikala, Greece.

2006, Flowers in contemporary art , New Benaki museum, Athens.

2006, Give(a)way, 6th Biennial exhibition of contemporary art , Limerick, Ireland

2005, “The Gesture. A visual library in progress.”,Macedonian Museum Of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, Greece.

2004, Video Zone 2:The 2 nd International Video Biennial,Tel Aviv, Israel.

2004, “Monument to now”, the Dakis Joannou Collection, DESTE Foundation for Contemporary Art, Athens.

2004, “Nine Muses I Presume? , La Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain.

2003, «Testimonies:Between Myth and Reality»,National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens.

2003, «Poetic justice»,8th international Istanbul Biennial.

2003, «In the gorges of the Balkan»,Museum Fridericianum, Kassel,

2003, «Blurring Boundaries», Borusan Art gallery, Istanbul.

2003, «M-ARS. Art and War»,Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria.

2002, “Senses”, Technopolis, Athens.

2002, «Interfaces», Delphi, Greece.

2002, «Fusion Cuisine», Deste Foundation, Athens.

2002, «Big Social Game», International Biennial of Young Art,Turin, Italy.

2001, Tirana Biennale, Albania.

2000 , Nobody called the cops, Permanent exhibition commissioned by Dakis Joannou.

2000, «Thrilos 2001», Flourmills, Piraeus.

2000, «The artists of Spyropoulos museum», Centre for Hellenic union, Athens.

1999, medi@terra , Fournos, Athens.

1999, 1 st DESTE price, «Metro», New trends in contemporary Greek Art,Deste Foundation, Athens.

1999, Four Rooms, Kappatos Gallery, Athens.

Hippodrome, 1999, 15 min, sound/color.

Living red, 2000, 20 min, sound/color.

Distribution of consecrated bread, 2000, 6 min, sound/color.

Archetypal, 2001, 3.30 min, sound/ color.

Wonder park, 2003, 7 min, sound/color.

Cul-de- sac, 2004, 5 min, sound/color.

Bureau, 2004, 3 min, sound /color.

Addiction, 2005, 3.30 min, sound/ color.

Le tailleur, 2006, 7 min, sound.color.

Plumbers, 2006, 3.30min, sound/color.

Loan, 2006, 15 min, sound/color.

7Athens24, 2010, 20 min, sound /color.

Sunglare, 2011, 8 min, sound/color.
Playground, 2012, 4 channels video installation, sound/ color.

Silverpatrol, 2015, 4.25 min, sound/ color.

α2525,2017, 24.30 min, sound/color.

Cascope, 2017, 3 min, sound/color.
J.I., 2021, 52 min, 3D animation, in collaboration with John Butler.

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